Biomedical - Aviation - Mechanics - Hi-Tech

Biomedical - Aviation - Mechanics - Hi-Tech

Titanium products of Acciai Speciali Zorzetto are very appreciated in the biomedical, aviation and hi-tech sectors, thanks to their particular mechanical features.
In fact, it is interesting to notice the differences of the mechanical properties between the TiGr.5 (Ti6Al4V) and some other materials:

  TiGr. 5
Density (gr./cm³) 442 7.85 7.9
Tensile strenght N/mm² 895 450 600
Yield strenght N/mm² 830 300 290
Elongation % 10 30 54
Tensile modulus (kg/mm²) 11000 21000 20000

The titanium shows a perfect strength to corrosion and to erosion; this thanks to a special protective passive film.